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Virtual Shows and their Ever-Increasing Importance

September 15, 2020
Views: 1647

Virtual Shows and their Ever-Increasing Importance

As the world markets open and the wheels of the economy start to turn positively, all businesses are gearing up to start with renewed energy. Every company has been strategically planning the way forward from here, and critically needs each other’s support to thrive again. We all need that synergy and the best practices sharing in order to reach newer heights successfully. The epoch of the internet has brought the world closer than we could have ever imagined, and the current times are perhaps the best for utilizing these technological advances.

2020 has been the year of webinars, video-conferencing, and remote work, and this has been the norm of the corporate world nowadays. It is time we take a step closer to the Future - The future of doing business, the future of networking, and the future of client support. When trade and travel shows couldn’t happen across the world due to the pandemic, it gave rise to the need to make it happen. Technology companies resolved this challenge of the people not being able to physically meet by creating ‘Virtual Trade Platforms.’ There are many benefits of Virtual Trade Platforms, and in today’s scenario, it is the perfect solution for bridging this gap.

Benefits of Virtual Shows:

  • Virtual Shows can be conducted at anytime from anywhere in the world for a global audience.
  • Having no need to travel, it can be attended and conducted from the comfort and safety of your homes.
  • Saves the attendees as well as the exhibitors and the hosts a lot of money, which would have been spent on the usual expenses of a physical trade show.
  • The events can bring in a vast number of attendees, as there is no physical space requirement.
  • Information can be gathered using Big Data, which cannot be done in a physical trade show.
  • Virtual Shows are not limited by hours or days and can be conducted for a much longer duration.
  • They also facilitate interactions as timeslots can be booked over a more extensive timeline, and businesses can interact amongst themselves too.

With all these benefits of Virtual Shows insight, TBO Academy realized that this was the answer to bringing our travel partners and suppliers together without them having to go anywhere. We also realized that one of the best and safest destinations to go to is the Maldives. The Maldives reopened its border to the world on the 15th of July, and what can be a better place than the Maldives for the next dream vacation.

Thus, TBO Academy is conducting its First Virtual Travel Show 2020 – Maldives Exclusive on Monday, the 12th of October 2020, at three different timeslots for India, the Middle East, and Europe.

India - 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Middle East - 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Europe - 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM

So, come and be a part of the future of business and networking. Be a part of the Change!

Register for the Show Now!


TBO Academy